Comfort crafting

19 10 2013

I’ve been knitting like a crazy demented knitting-lady lately.

I consider it “comfort compensation” to make up for my uncertainty about jewellery making and what I want to do about it in the “future” … damn future, taking up space in my mind …

Since my last crafty sharing: I’ve made (1) a fabulous cabled hot water bottle cover for my dad, (2) a shawl that I’d totally unconvinced about and may rip out,  (3) a gorgeous dark-blue silk shawl and a (4) pair of secret socks.

silk shawl

silk shawl

silk shawl

silk shawl

The specifics:

Next: another large snuggly blanket … like I said, comfort crafting.

Yarnbomb III

27 09 2013

According to my own rules on yarn-bombing, I recently refreshed my rainbow pole outside the local school.

My first installation was 1st November 2011, as part of a 21 days to yarn bomb movement. And my second installation was 1st November 2012.

For this third installment I considered reinstalling on the same date, but I decided instead to bring it forward a little – somewhere around the spring equinox and school holidays (so I’m not spotted by the kiddies).

oldyarnbomb    newyarmbomb

Above: old one and new one … see how I put the colours upside-down this time … tricky!

I crocheted this version, as I did the second; it seemed to be more robust and wear so much better than the knitted version, requiring no repairs at all over the year (even though it was clearly mauled during the election, as the school was a voting centre).

I’ve chosen the rainbow colouring again (I had so much leftover yarn from last time). I recognise the rainbow has been adopted by the LGBTI community as their own, and while acknowledging that connection my intention is not for this yarnbomb to be any kind of statement but simply a colourful addition to the streetscape.

If you’re ever in the ‘hood, I hope it makes you smile as you pass by.

Knitting. Still.

25 09 2013

Knitting is still keeping my hands occupied in the quiet hours of the evening … and afternoons when I’m not working.

Since my last installment I have finished the navy jumper, though now it’s getting a little warmer and it may not get worn until next autumn.

I’ve also finished another pair of socks. I cannot have too many handmade pairs of socks I feel. They’re not for wearing with shoes mind, just for around the house…

photo taken with flash, so you can see the fabulous pattern

photo taken with flash, so you can see the fabulous pattern

The specifics:

Next, perhaps a new cardigan?

Though keep your peeps peeled, there may be another craft update pretty soon … oooooh, mysterious!

Colour play

22 09 2013

Deciding which colours go with which for my next knitting project …

colour play

colour play

No, knitting is not jewellery. This time anyway. And that’s cool.