New making

16 03 2011

After finishing ‘Earring for Giovanna‘ I have moved straight onto a new body of work … based around photographs of stars and inspired by (a slight adjustment to) a phrase from a book I recently read: ‘The sky is full of ghosts‘.

Such a moving phrase … brings such images to mind …

making, step 1

Brooch for my aunt

9 03 2011

My mum asked me to make a brooch for her sister, as a thank you gift.

I decided to use the carved perspex I created in second-year for my gold brooches, as this work was originally inspired by my grandfather (my mum’s dad). The metal I chose to use was a little rolled-out thin piece of fine and sterling silver – I thought I had only melted down all my left-over fine silver, but this piece ended up with a smattering of sterling, and I liked the pattern it made.

In second-year I had the advantage of access to a large swing-press, but in the little studio I only needed to anneal it and push the metal into the mold using some dapping punches. The ‘stitches’ are from the tip of a burnisher. It’s then rivets to a backing piece with a pin. Simple.

brooch for Gail; image not to be reproduced without permission

I hope she likes it.

‘Lend me Your Ears’ @ Mailbox 141

7 03 2011

The first session for ‘Lend me Your Ears’ is at Mailbox 141 until 17th March 2011.

installation #1

Above are:

installation #2

Above are:

installation #3

Above are:

installation #4

Above are:

installation #5

Above are:

installation #6

Above are:

installation #7

Above are:

  • as before
  • as before
  • Jacqui Chan [post on Part B blog] – this piece is incredible and such an acute political statement

installation view

I am very much looking forward to the next group of artists, showing from 18th March to 1st April 2011.

Making ‘Earring for Giovanna’

4 03 2011

I have thoroughly enjoyed making ‘Earring for Giovanna‘ for the Part B Lend me Your Ears‘ exhibition at Mailbox 141 (throughout March 2011).

When I was asked to be part of it, I didn’t have a lot of time for ideas or making … perhaps five or so weeks. This worked out well for me actually, because it meant I didn’t over-think it.

The initial description I received from Part B people was: “following a format that (curator) Dianne has used before successfully, so we’re asking for you to produce (or co-opt) a postcard and also make an earring (or two) for display in these tiny little spaces. Each artist will get a single mailbox in which to insert their postcard and piece(s)“.

Immediately I thought of the postcards I bought when I was travelling in Spain last May. The one of Giovanna was the most appealing to me.

postcard from Spain

Surprising, the design came very quickly – the first drawing in fact was the right one.

detail of design; not to be reproduced without permission

The shape of the blackened silver back-piece, and the red donut-shaped front-piece, references the button and loop on her arm sleeve. The woven component is something I just love doing, and it made sense to me as it referenced the fabric and colouring of her garments.

Earring for Giovanna; on postcard; image not to be reproduced without permission

More making ahoy …