‘Lend me Your Ears’ set 2 @ Mailbox 141

6 04 2011

As I mentioned in the previous post, there were two groups in the ‘Lend me Your Ears‘ exhibition at Mailbox 141.

Unfortunately I left my visit a little late – mainly because I had seen beautiful images of much of the work in the Part B exhibition blog, and there has been much going on lately. (the exhibition closed last Friday) My visit was on a very cloudy miserable day, so the lighting was dim and my camera uncooperative!

installation (set 2) #1

Above are (left to right):

installation (set 2) #2

  • Jessica Morrison [post on Part B blog]
  • not sure – can anyone tell me?
  • not sure – can anyone tell me?

installation (set 2) #3

installation (set 2) #4

installation (set 2) #5

installation (set 2) #7

  • Karyn Nankivell [post on Part B blog]
  • not sure – can anyone tell me?
  • mine [post on Part B blog] – the artist who was originally going to take this place in set 2 was unable to, so my piece stayed for the second set too

installation (set 2) #7

Lend me Your Ears‘ was a Part B exhibition at Mailbox 141 from 1st March to 1st April 2011.

Update (19th April): Mary Hackett has published some truly beautiful (and clear and focussed!) photographs of this exhibition on her blog.

And still more making…

3 04 2011

After a second and third attempt at the little component in the last post, I took the best one (on the right below) to the casting place.

making; still step 3; one in the middle went wonky (zipped over to the side when I decided to just nudge it a little this way ...)

Sadly, the casting man told me that parts of it were too fine (in the way it all connected and the wax/metal would need to be poured etc) to guarantee a good cast. I appreciated the honesty and advice of the casting man, but was miffed it meant I needed to hand-make six more.

As the first three took over two hours to make each, I resigned myself to a full day in the studio to make the full suite. But when you’re making a handful of the same thing, it’s amazing how fast it can all go – the six additional ones only took me about four hours all together. So pleased!

making, still step 3

And putting the pieces together, now ready for the tumbler to harden.

making, step 4

Can’t wait for it all to come together.

last post on this project

And still making…

28 03 2011

It is coming together, though slowly. My soldering skills are in need of the practice, so I’m glad for that I guess!

step 2, some fun in the pickle

step 3, testing

last post on this project …

Still making…

21 03 2011

It still sometimes surprises me just how long things take to make.

And yes, the little one fifth from the left will be remain on the bench … sometimes accuracy goes astray!

still making step 1

last post on this project …