I like stripes

13 01 2014

I’ve mentioned before I don’t much like triangles.

Though I do like stripes.

I think I like them because they’re orderly, controlled, clean, minimalist … even the not-so-parallel-straight-stripes are cool.

the inside of my new pullover

the inside of my new pullover

I like other shapes too, but perhaps more on that another time.

Mmmmm silk

23 12 2013

I may need an intervention. I have a developed a magnificent compulsion to buy (from DyeforYarn) and knit with mulberry silk yarn.

I’ve already shared the lovely dark blue silk shawl. Lately I’ve made another shawl, using a different pattern … this time in a more neutral silver and grey.



The specifics:

Next: not sure, maybe more socks or a light-weight pullover…


23 11 2013

What better way to spend a rainy dark Saturday than to play creatively?
Indoors of course.

Yarn all ready to go for ‘Project Stripey Cardigan’.

velvet & sunset

velvet & sunset

Beautiful colours to brighten up the day.

Crochet … crochet like the wind

9 11 2013

Obsessed may be a little too strong a word …
… but I’ve been absolutely loving comfort-crochet lately.

Presenting my new snuggle blanket.

new snuggle rug

new snuggle rug

The specifics:

Sooooo snuggly.