More on ‘Padua and its Jewellery’

5 07 2011

With sincere thanks to the RMIT Gallery, I have some more images to share of the exhibition “Gioielli d’Autore. Padova e la Scuola dell’oro – Italian Contemporary Jewellery. Padua and its Jewellery School“ [link].

I prefer to see ‘installation images’ instead of detailed or ‘studio’ photographs, as they give a sense of the exhibition itself as a whole.

Paulo Maurizio; image courtesy of the gallery, credit Mark Ashkanasy, RMIT Gallery, 2011

Exhibition media: “The exhibition follows the artistic paths of venerated jewellers Mario Pinton and Francesco Pavan, and their students, who have in turn become important names in the artistic world: Giorgio Cecchetto, Lucia Davanzo, Maria Rosa Franzin, Stefano Marchetti, Paolo Marcolongo, Paolo Maurizio, Barbara Paganin, Renzo Pasquale, Piergiuliano Reveane, Marco Rigovacca, Graziano Visintin, Alberta Vita, Annamaria Zanella and Alberto Zorzi.” [from here]

Alberta Vita; image courtesy of the gallery, credit Mark Ashkanasy, RMIT Gallery, 2011

Piergiuliano Reveane, image courtesy of the gallery, credit Mark Ashkanasy, RMIT Gallery, 2011

Hopefully another visit will happen soon!

