Phoebe Porter ‘Unfold’ @ Craft

30 10 2012

More magic at Craft (formerly Craft Victoria): Phoebe Porter‘s ‘Unfold‘.

I absolutely loved this collection – their arrangement, their stark minimal contrast to the magnificent colour explosion in the adjacent rooms, their fineness, order and formality.

photograph taken with gallery permission

The inclusion of the making video and two large pieces of working equipment made it an informative visit too (especially fabulous for non-makers; giving a context that isn’t often seen).

Exhibition media: “The title Unfold has a dual meaning that alludes to both Porter’s technique of folding sheet metal to create jewellery pieces and her attempt to reveal the making process to the audience. Connections and joins in the pieces are clearly expressed, highlighting the methods of construction used in each design. Porter’s making process is revealed to the audience by this expression of construction within the pieces themselves as well as through the inclusion of video documentation in the exhibition alongside the finished works.

photograph taken with gallery permission

I was tempted to take one home with me (well, when the exhibition is over of course!) … I’m still considering it …

Phoebe Porter ‘Unfold‘ is at Craft until 1st December 2012.

